Friday, May 25, 2012

Graduate-Justin Dior Combs

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:
Congratulations 2012 Graduates!!
Whew, you made it. It has been difficult times of incomplete homework assignments and late arrival to school but you made it through. You should Thank God for that!!

Justin Dior Combs Graduated!! 
Justin is Diddy's oldest son that will be attending UCLA.
His mother is photoed with him below, Misa Hylton.

Time to Celebrate!!

Shaquille O'Neal received his doctoral degree in education at Barry University. Let's Congratulate him for a life filled with Success!! He is 7 Feet and 325 pounds, just to mention.
His cumulative G.P.A is 3.8.
Now that you've Graduated, don't just sit around and eat!! Get up and Go!!

"Make something of this life that you are Living" 

                   Congrats!!                                          Be Happy!!

If you need help, discovering what to do after Graduation

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” 
― Oscar Wilde

Visit and Follow me @MarshayModels

Adios Amigos Until Next Time,

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