Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:

I want you to be healthy and like @Oprah says "Live your Best Life" and the way to do so is by taking the best care of you that you can. 

  1. Plan out exactly how you want your body to be and follow the necessary steps to get your body where YOU want it. Do not try to please others with your body appearance.

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 Check out a photo of your Digestive System Below:

10 Ways to Avoid Cancer:

1. Avoid Smoking and Exposure to Smoke

2. Practice Sun Safety and Recognize When Skin Changes Occur

3. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

4. Limit Red Meat and Animal Fat

5. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

6. Exercise for Cancer Prevention

7. Know Your Personal and Family Medical History

8. Know What You're Being Exposed to in Your Work Environment

9. Practice Safe Sex

10. Get Screened for Cancer Regularly

Follow Me: @MarshayH

Follow: @Fitness for Fitness Tips on Twitter
Follow My Business: @MarshayModels

Visit my Website: www.wix.com/marshaymodels/marshayh

Visit and Subscribe to marshaymodels.blogspot.com

Adios Amigos, Until Next Time


kr said...

This is kels (from kelsnetwork).... I love the positivity on your blog! Thanks for the Great advice on how to live healthily!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much kels for all of your support!! I'm going to blow ur blog up with comments. -@MarshayH Positivity promotes Productivity, I'm trying to change the world.