Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:

Your True DESTINY is pre-determined by God, it cannot be altered or changed. 

DESTINY can be exactly where God places you and it can be permanent or temporary. It can also be the place you have landed based off of your on PLAN.

          --Listen to this wise woman named Oprah--

Learn to discover your DESTINY through clues that God will send to you daily. You will be constantly reminded or brought back to the same place.

Follow: @MarshayModels and @MarshayH
Subscribe to marshaymodels.blogspot.com

Adios Amigos, Until Next Time

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tips from Iyanla Vanzant: Fix My Life

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:

I hope you are watching OWN Every Saturday at 10 pm. 

If not, you need to start because Iyanla will help fix your life.

She digs deep into your soul and causes you to release the

truth through your emotions and at the end, restores you.

You can-do anything, and navigate yourself through anything if you have the proper road map.  When you are guided by peace, driven by love and if you have a clear direction you will reach the highest point of your destination.  My motto is, “Begin Within!”  Once you clean up the inside, everything and everyone on the outside will fall in line with your center.
 Tips are listed below

Identify and Heal Your Judgments:
You must remain flexible.  Judgments keep you stuck in what should and should not be, leaving little room for what can-be.
Know Your Worth:
Pick a destination that allows you to stretch and grow beyond your comfort zone into a higher vision of the self you know right now.
Declare Your Value:
Time and energy are valuable commodities.  Declare your own self value by not wasting time or energy with things and people who are not moving you in the direction you have chosen for yourself.
Communicate Authentically By Asking For What You Want:
The easiest way to get what you want is to ask for it.  When you flip-flop between what you feel,  what you say and what you do, you send out mixed signals, which means you will get mixed and often unsatisfactory results.   (It is also a good practice to make sure that your no means no and that your yes means yes.)  Write it down, speak it out loud or clearly picture it in your mind will help you to do this.
Learn From The Past:
Just because something hasn't happened does not mean that it will not happen.  Do not allow the past to weigh you down.  Learn from your mis-steps and mis-deeds.  (Be prepared to do a new things in a new way rather than crying over what didn't work.)
Ask For Support When You Need It:
Everyone wants to claim their own victory, however, most victories are a team effort.  Open yourself to receive support, assistance and guidance from others.

Love What You Do!!
I never think of my ministry, Inner Visions Institute, as purely a business venture.  I consider it a service to the world. This means that it is the part of my life that I offer to God.   Everything that I do for God, I do in love.  I love to write!  I love to teach and share ideas!  I love to support other people in finding their passion and vision in life.  It may not be written anywhere as a sound business principle, but believe me, it works!  Love magnetizes whatever it touches and, it attracts more love to it.  It also helps to know that love and money are ruled by the same vibration.

Don’t Do It Just For The Money!!
My daughters and I started Inner Visions on my kitchen table.  I wrote the Newsletter, they helped me fold it.  At first, we didn't even charge for it.  We sent it out to anyone who requested it because we wanted them to have the information.  When someone suggested to me that I charge for the Newsletter, I was appalled!  Over time I came to realize that I could never charge for the love and energy I put into my work.  However, it is necessary to charge people for the cost of production and my time.

Have A Vision! Stay Focused!!
When times were real tight, nothing I did generated an income.  I was tempted to throw in the towel and go back to practicing law.  When I was alone at night, I would remember how I got started.  More important, I remembered why I got started.  Loving people!  Sharing information!  Healing the planet!  When I woke up in the morning, I would be so charged up, I would count my pennies, make new arrangements to pay the bills and renew my vow to do whatever was necessary to spread the word.

Specialize!!  Make Yourself Unique!!
One day, without any prompting from me, Dr. Dennis Kimbro walked up to me in a convention center and began to compliment me on my work.  He told me how important my work was and  how good I was at it.  Not only did I need to hear those words on that day, he went on to give me the best advise I have ever heard.  It is advice I still use today.  He said, “Don’t try to do everything.  Specialize!”  Pick something and stick to it.  He went on to say, “Make yourself unique!”  Do what you do in such a way that no matter what anyone else is doing, people must have what you are offering.  I specialize in loving with excellence and listening with compassion.

@MarshayH and @MarshayModels

Adios Amigos, Until Next Time


Friday, October 5, 2012

President Obama vs. Governer Mitt Romney

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:

I Love Michelle Obama!! I personally think a woman like Michelle should be President because as women, we are capable of making miracles.
Full Debate Below: 
President Barack Obama vs. Governor Mitt Romney

 Barack Obama- President
Democratic Party logo

   1st Lady Michelle Obama as a Teenager

.  Governor Mitt Romney
 Ann Romney

Michelle Says:

On Why America should trust President Obama:
“He spoke directly to the American people,” she said. “He’s proven time and again he’s the person we can trust. He has a clear plan to move this country forward.”
On President Obama reshaping America:
“Throughout his life, he has been that person who can handle multiple tasks. He is able to work at crisis level.”
On why she and the kids love "House Hunters" and HGTV:
“There’s no political advertising on HGTV. Even we get tired of it.”
On the fascination with her "Vogue by Artistic Nail Design of Beverly Hills" nail polish:
“Doing the campaign trail I have people grab my hands and go, ‘It’s the nail polish!’”

Source: theybf.com

Who are you VOTING for and Why??
 Comment below and let me know

Visit: www.wix.com/marshayh/marshaymodels
Subscribe to: marshaymodels.blogspot.com

Adios Amigos Until Next Time

When A Man Lies

 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and Everything In Between:


  • Men lie all the time, I've heard but that is not a man but a boy. 
  • A man handles his responsibilities and admits when he is wrong.
  •  Too many people call boys, MEN causing people to believe a man is determined by physical attributes, that is a Male.
  • Listen to R Kelly Below and Tell me what you think.

        My Favorite R&B Singer
 "When A Man Lies "


How he makes her feel
When he look her in the eyes and tell her
I love you, yeah
He seems so for real
When he whispers and says
I'll never leave you, no
And he speaks them words to her heart
And make her feel like she on top
Of the world, yeah, oh my
Then turn around and break her heart
And make her feel like the whole world's on top of her, whoa
And now something other made me talk about it

When a man lies, he pierces the very soul of that woman
Yes he does, yeah
I'm just telling the truth

When a man lies, he kills every reason

She ever had for loving him, yeah
Mirror I'm talking to you, yeah

How he promised her things
While he's making sweet love to her mind
Selling big dreams, yeah
That's what he do, or he can paint the scene
With every word out of his mouth
Make her wanna believe, oh she believes

That everything that he says is true
Now all the dreams she bought and the tales he told
Cinderella to the old pot of gold
Broke up for a heart and stole the glory
And it let me here to tell the story

When a man lies, he pierces the very soul of that woman
Yes he does, yeah
I'm just telling the truth
When a man lies, he kills every reason
She ever had for loving him, yeah
Mirror I'm talking to you, yeah

Hey now don't ya all shoot the messenger, nah, nah
I was sent here to deliver, whoa
Y'all can go ahead and call me a lawyer
Call me... to the day I'll represent, the woman

Cause when a man lies, he pierces the very soul of that woman
Yes he does, hey
I'm just telling the truth
When a man lies, he kills every reason
She ever had for loving him, yeah
Mirror I'm talking to you, yeah

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Subscribe: marshaymodels.blogspot.com
Follow Me on Twitter: @MarshayModels and @MarshayH

Adios Amigos, Until Next Time